Aloe Vera Juice Weight Loss

If you mention aloe vera to most people, they’ll likely think you’re referring to the gel that helps with sunburns. Recently however, aloe vera juice has been gaining popularity in several other health-related realms. Unlike the gel, this juice can be consumed and is said to have many beneficial qualities. This includes aiding in digestion, boosting your immune system and helping to ease your colon. And most recently, there’s been an upswing in aloe vera weight loss plans and diet regimens. The secrets behind aloe vera weight loss

While many people are interested in aloe vera juice for it’s wide variety of uses, many are convinced that it will help with their weight loss journey. But before learning about aloe vera juice weight loss, we must first learn what exactly aloe vera juice is. 

The Basics Behind Aloe Vera Juice Weight Loss Plans

Aloe vera juice for weight loss comes from the leaves of the aloe vera plant. It’s very bitter and tangy in taste, so be warned, you’ll likely have to mix it with something else to drink it. Gatorade is often recommended, as aloe vera juice can cause several side effects, one of which being dehydration. Gatorade helps to prevent this.

The theory behind aloe vera juice weight loss is that the juice contains protein that the body has trouble digesting. This results in the body working extra hard to process it, resulting in weight loss. Many manufactures of the juice also claim that the juice is a detox and helps to speed up your metabolism.

While aloe vera juice has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it’s only been for one purpose: a laxative. Laxatives do aid in weight loss because they force your body to expel the food, energy and calories before your body has a chance to digest it. This means that, when incorporating aloe vera juice weight loss into your diet plan, you may eat 1,000 calories, but only have around half of that absorbed into your body.

Some Key Things To Keep in Mind with Aloe Vera Juice Weight Loss Plans 

Using laxatives as a weight loss aid can be very dangerous however. If used too often, they can mess up your bodies natural electrolytes, which can cause heart problems. Short term side effects also include stomach cramps, pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and gas. That being said, overall, as long as you’ve honed in on the basic safety precautions associated with aloe vera juice weight loss plans, you shouldn’t have any of these problems.

Like anything, aloe vera juice should not be abused. The juice offers many benefits that we’re only just now starting to understand. As far as weight loss in concerned, there have simply not been enough studies done to tell the exact reason of weight loss, but many people already swear by it.

Although aloe vera juice weight loss regimens have certainly proven to be highly effective for trimming waistlines, always be sure to incorporate a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise routine into your daily schedule for optimal weight loss benefits. 

Aloe Vera Juice for Hair – Can it Help?

Aloe vera juice for hair has cemented itself as a true beauty staple that has transcended era and culture. Dry, damaged, chemical-damaged, frizzed hair can really benefit from the soothing, moisturizing, healing properties of aloe vera. Aloe vera juice for hair is not a novel, new treatment. Aloe vera for hair has been used since the times of Cleopatra for topical application.

Incorporating Aloe Vera Juice for Hair into Your Beauty Routine 

Using Aloe Vera Juice for Hair

Aloe vera for hair is not just another moisturizer for hair. It does all of the following:

*Detangles messy, matted, curly, frizzy, and thick hair
*Moisturizes dry, damaged, chemical-laden, dyed, fried hair
*Activates fresh growth in hair follicles
*Heals and soothes damaged scalp that has been suffering from scratches, burns, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, and sun spots
*Gets rid of dandruff, itchy scalp, and flaky hair
*Restores the pH level in the hair
*Tames oily, greasy, slick hair
*Improves cellular regeneration in hair
*Acts as an anti-inflammatory for damaged hair

Remember that aloe vera juice for hair is an astringent, and it can dry out the hair if it’s left in too long. It can dry out the scalp if it’s left in for too long. You need to use it like a conditioner and then wash it out.

5 Aloe Vera Juice for Hair Tips 

1) Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Juice – Lily of the Desert has Aloesorb which enhances all the benefits of aloe vera. It is also a natural product so it may change color. There is an increased absorption or bioavailability of vitamins and nutrients, and it can be taken internally. It is a great product for enhancing aloe vera’s natural benefits.

2) Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera 100% Gel – This is a product that is very pure. There is no color added. It is a good moisturizing therapy for sunburns, dry, irritated skin, and scalp. It contains no alcohol. It is quickly absorbed. It is free of fragrances.

3) Lily of the Desert Organic Whole Leaf – Like the other Lily of the Desert product above, it contains Aloesorb. It enhances all the benefits of aloe vera. Unlike it, however, it is even more pure. There are no preservatives, there is a clearer, cleaner look. There are no added substances like sugar, starch or diluted with water. It is a natural product.

4) Aubrey Organics – 100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel – This product contains some added ingredients to make it even better for damaged skin and hair. This is a perfect product for the scalp. It contains aloe vera leaf juice, grapefruit extract, guar gum, and vitamin E.

5) Jason Natural Cosmetics – Aloe Vera (Super Gel) 98% – this product is a little different. It contains mostly aloe vera, but it also contains other moisturizers to make it more smooth. This is even better for your scalp.

Although aloe vera juice for hair is an excellent, natural beauty product, always consult a physician if you’re worried about any scalp or skin sensitivity. 

Are there Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects?

Those who suffer from constant digestive problems have probably heard of and perhaps even considered using aloe vera juice before. This is because aloe vera juice has been proven to help treat a wide range of digestive issues, including constipation, acid reflux, heartburn, stomachaches and more. Not only that, but it also helps to boost the immune system, improve digestion, and help to clean out your colon. Many people choose to try aloe vera juice because it’s a safe, effective, and all natural way to take care of your body. That being said, as with everything, there are some aloe vera juice side effects that you may experience. These are usually mild and it’s quite rare to have a serious side effect, however it’s important to pay attention to how your body reacts when taking the juice.Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects at

Common Kinds of Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects 

The most common aloe vera juice side effects are diarrhea and electrolyte imbalances. If you are experiencing either of these, odds are that you’re taking too much of the juice too often. This can easily be fixed by cutting back on the amount taken. Electrolyte imbalances happens when your body becomes dehydrated, so you should be sure to drink plenty of fluids when taking aloe vera juice. Since the juice itself is rather bitter, many people find that mixing it with Gatorade helps to mask the taste while replenishing the water, carbohydrates, and electrolytes lost when you become dehydrated.

The second most common aloe vera side effects involve allergic reactions. Some people may develop a rash or itching after taking the juice as well as having stomach cramps, and in rare cases may even vomit. This risk increases if you’re using a poor quality of juice. Because of this, it’s always important to buy your juice from an experienced source, rather than some home brewed concoction.

As a final component to the various aloe vera juice side effects, you should not take aloe vera juice if you have any medical conditions that effect your digestive system, such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, or stomach ulcers as it can increase effects of the disease. If you’re pregnant or nursing, aloe vera juice should be avoided as it may have unwanted side effects on your child.

Positives Outweighing Negatives When Concerning Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects 

Overall, aloe vera juice is very effective at treating a wide range of medical problems. Aloe vera juice side effects are rare, and several medical sources agree that when using juice from a reliable source, the benefits out weigh the risk of side effects.

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits from AloeVera.comThe aloe vera plant is a well-known herb used for its healing properties to soothe sunburn, eczema, burns or scrapes. However, drinking aloe vera juice benefits your internal system also. It can help treat constipation, boost the immune system, bring relief for acid reflux and cleanse your colon. The following is a detailed look at the benefits of aloe vera juice in more detail.

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: Boosts the Immune System

Aloe vera juice is excellent for boosting the immune system naturally. The immune system is constantly working 24 hours to protect the body. With its natural immune enhancers, aloe vera juice gives the body a constant repository from which to draw from for a healthy immune system.

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: Increased Energy

The average person’s diet today includes many unwanted elements that can cause sluggishness and fatigue. By taking aloe vera juice, it will not only help to cleanse the digestive system but will also leave you feeling energized and able to maintain a healthy body weight.

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: Dental Hygiene

To help promote a healthy mouth and gums and even aid in preventing cavities aloe vera juice is quite beneficial. There are specific anthraquinones in the aloe vera plant that prevents inflammation and destroys bacteria from forming in the mouth.

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: Inflammation Reducer

Aloe vera juice benefits weakened or aged joints by reducing inflammation. Bradykinin is a component in the body that causes pain and inflammation. Aloe vera possesses anti-bradykinin activities to overcome pain. Aloe vera is like a natural sterol that aids in healing knee, shoulder, back and other joint pains. It’s also non-irritating to the stomach unlike aspirin and steroids

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: Anti-Aging

A great way to prevent aging skin and increase collagen and elastin is to add aloe vera juice to your diet. The juice is full of anti-oxidants and can slow down the aging process leaving skin hydrated and healthy looking.

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: Digestive Health

Using aloe vera juice will help keep you regular and your bowels healthy. It’s a natural laxative that relieves constipation, but it can also help slow down diarrhea too. It also helps those suffering from stomachaches, heartburn and acid reflux.

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: Daily Dose of Vitamins and Minerals

Some minerals and vitamins found in aloe vera juice include calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, Folic Acid and Niacin. Our bodies are unable to store these nutrients and aloe vera juice can help supplement them daily.

The Consumer’s Guide to Aloe Vera Juice

The benefits of aloe vera juice are quickly becoming more and more popular as a form of natural medicine and therapy.  Not only that, but many people are consuming aloe vera juice to improve their overall appearance and well-being. 

Below are some more specific benefits of aloe vera juice. The Various Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice #1: Gastrointestinal Issues

This could be anything from occasional constipation to a more serious case of irritable bowel syndrome. Aloe vera has proven to ease these issues while helping to cleanse the system and soothe any inflammation occurring inside the digestive tract. In fact, the benefits of aloe vera extend to inflammation just about anywhere on the body, just as it is known to soothe and heal all varieties of cuts, burns and irritations on the surface of the skin.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice #2: Weight Loss

The benefits of aloe vera juice also extend to the weight loss and blood sugar realms also. Some research has even shown that it could potentially help slow down the development of diabetes. Since it is a natural substance, it is safe to consume in reasonable doses. Just remember that it is a natural laxative, so too much aloe juice could be too much of a good thing!

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice #3: Juicing for Health 

Most of the aloe juices can be consumed alone, over ice, or mixed with some type of fruit or vegetable juice. Many people choose to mix them into another juice, since pure aloe vera is not the best tasting juice you have ever experienced.

What to Look for When Buying Aloe Vera Juice

Although the benefits of aloe vera juice are certainly plentiful, be sure do do your homework before opting for a particular kind of juice. When deciding which aloe vera juice to purchase, pay attention to the following tips:

1. Make sure you are buying pure aloe vera juice. If it is a juice mixed with other ingredients, make sure those ingredients are clearly listed so you know what is in the juice. You want aloe to be the primary ingredient so you know adequate concentration of the aloe is present.

2. Look for organic juices as they may have fewer chemical or artificial ingredients. You want your aloe to be as natural and wholesome as possible.

3. You don’t need anything else in your juice but aloe vera. There will naturally be some preservatives, but they should be natural preservatives. If you go organic, there should be no chemicals or artificial preservatives and what is in the juice should be noted.

Discovering the Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Yourself 

While ordering aloe vera juice and having it delivered to your home is convenient, the easiest and purest way to get aloe juice is to make it yourself. If you have a plant or two at home, you can pull off a few leaves and make your own juice rather quickly. This is better than anything purchased prepackaged, since it contains pure aloe without any preservatives. You make it fresh and drink it fresh.

The simplest way to make aloe vera juice is to open up the leaves and scrape the pulp and juice into a blender or juicing machine. Hold each leaf upside down to release the yellow or red latex before you open it up. Some prefer to gently wash their pulp just in case it still has latex on it, others just scrape the pulp from the center and start juicing. Either way, you can blend the pulp until it is a smooth consistency and then mix in water or some type of fruit or vegetable juice. Some people like it with just water, but others prefer to mix in more flavors so it tastes better. 

Although we strongly encourage you to explore the various benefits of aloe vera juice for your health, always consult a physician before embarking on a long-term health plan. Aloe vera juice can come with a few side effects for individuals with irritable bowel issues, so be sure to do some research prior to ingesting the juice.