Learn to combat problematic colon, heart and health issues with aloe vera juice benefits. Browse our vast inventory of aloe vera tips, tricks and news at AloeVera.com today.
It’s undeniable that Aloe Vera is easily one of the greatest and healthiest plants on Earth. Aloe Vera in various forms has been used to fight, heal and cure ailments for thousands of years. Many people are in love with the health benefits associated with drinking Aloe Vera juice. But some may also be on a tight budget and find themselves wondering about how to make Aloe Vera juice at home.
Making fresh, homemade Aloe Vera juice is likely a lot easier than most people think. Making it home can also save you a lot of money going forward. So, if you’re wondering how to make Aloe Vera juice at home, you’ve come to the right place. Once you learn how to make Aloe Vera juice, you likely will never want to stop.
How to Make Aloe Vera Juice
Learning how to make Aloe Vera juice is a quick and easy process, as is making the juice. The first step in making homemade Aloe Vera juice is to break off some leaves from an Aloe plant and set them on a cutting board. Next, get a sharp knife and begin to skin the rind from the leaves of the plant. Once peeled, you can throw the rind away.
The next step is to shave the yellow layer off the plant that is beneath the rind. You can use the same knife to perform this step. You will continue shaving the yellow layer of the leaves of the plant until you have about two tablespoons of clear Aloe Vera gel. You can scoop the gel with a spoon.
Once the gel has been harvested, place it in a blender as soon as possible. Once the gel is in the blender, add some form of juice. You can use apple juice, orange juice, grapefruit juice or any other type of juice you enjoy most.
Next, turn on the blender and continue to blend until the liquid has a smooth appearance. Once blended, simply pour the freshly-made juice into a glass. That’s it. You now have a full glass of healthy, nutritious and delicious Aloe Vera juice. The health benefits can be endless now that you know how to make Aloe Vera juice.
For centuries, Aloe Vera has been used to treat a variety of ailments. While generally used in topical form, the popularity of Aloe Vera juice has steadily risen over the years. But why is it so popular and what is Aloe Vera juice good for? Many people battling ailments or looking for something to make their overall quality of life pose this question.
So what is Aloe Vera juice good for? This post will focus on the benefits associated with Aloe Vera juice, where you can purchase and how much you can expend to spend.
What is Aloe Vera Juice Good For: Benefits
So what is Aloe Vera juice good for? Well, it depends on who you ask. Natural health experts believe that juice is good for weight loss, digestion, acne issues, skin issues, improved immune function and an overall higher quality of life.
Scientists cannot not dispute that it helps with digestion issues, as Aloe Vera has long been recognized for its laxative ability. In addition, Aloe Vera juice has been recommended to those battling inflammatory bowel disease and ulcerative colitis. However, there is little scientific proof that Aloe Vera juice can help with any of the other aforementioned afflictions.
What is Aloe Vera Juice Good For: Purchasing Juice
Many people may believe that they may have to go into a natural health or vitamin store or order from an online shop just to receive Aloe Vera juice. While that is true in part, Aloe Vera juice is now as common as butter or potato chips in supermarkets, drug stores and national retail chain stores. The price of Aloe Vera juice is also probably a lot less than most people think.
You can purchase a 16 ounce bottle of natural Aloe Vera juice at the local store of your choice for as little as $3.00. In fact, you can purchase most bottles up to 32 ounces for under $10.00. If you’re looking for a supply that will last for months, a case of Aloe Vera juice by the gallon for just over $100.00.
The benefits associated with using Aloe Vera in topical form cannot be denied. In fact, there are several studies that have been conducted to support the effectiveness of topical Aloe Vera. Based on this, many are asking the question “is Aloe Vera juice good for you?”
Many doctors, scientists and various natural health experts and professionals have asked the very same thing and their findings may be a bit surprising to some. This post is designed to dispel any myths and aims to answer the question “is Aloe Vera juice good for you?”
Is Aloe Vera Juice Good for You: The Facts
So, is Aloe Vera juice good for you? The short answer is yes. Aloe Vera in oral form has long been used by those battling irregularity issues. Several studies have concluded that the latex from Aloe plants contains very strong laxative compounds. The colon cleansing abilities of Aloe Vera juice simply cannot be challenged.
Aloe Vera juice has been shown to help those who are suffering with irritable bowel syndrome. Drinking the juice can help repair tissue that has been damaged by IBS. It can also stimulate the stomach, kidneys, gallbladder and liver, allowing all the digestive glands to work properly once again.
Many natural health professionals believe there are a number of other benefits associated with drinking Aloe Vera juice. Some go as far as to say drinking Aloe juice can actually stop colon cancer, as well as stop the growth of cancerous tumors.
Is Aloe Vera Juice Good for You: Where to Buy Aloe Vera Juice
Some think that picking up a bottle of Aloe Vera juice is a difficult task, and finding it will be quite the adventurous quest. However, the truth is buying Aloe Vera juice is just about as easy as getting a two-liter of soda or a gallon of milk. Nearly all national chain stores, drug stores and health and vitamin shops carry Aloe juice.
And what’s more, Aloe Vera juice is likely less expensive than you may think. You can buy a 16-ounce bottle of juice in stores or online for only $3.00. Furthermore, most brands of Aloe Vera juice cost less than $10.00 for bottles up to 32 ounces.
So, is Aloe Vera juice good for you? There’s only one way to find out.
People have been enjoying the benefits associated with using Aloe Vera for thousands of years. Use of the “plant of immortality” can be traced all the way back to the early days of ancient Egypt. While Aloe has traditionally been used to treat burns and skin ailments, many find themselves wondering if there too are benefits of drinking Aloe Vera juice.
Hundreds of studies centered on the overall effectiveness of Aloe Vera and the benefits of drinking Aloe Vera juice have been conducted throughout the years. This post will focus on if there are any real benefits of drinking Aloe Vera juice, what you can expect by taking Aloe orally, and what potential side effects could be experienced as a result of ingesting Aloe.
Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice
So, are there any benefits to drinking Aloe Vera juice? First, let’s see what the experts have to say about the plant itself. It has long been determined that latex from Aloe contains strong laxative compounds. In addition, studies have also concluded that Aloe Vera in topical form has been successful in helping burns and skin abrasions during the healing process. However, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has concluded there is not enough scientific evidence to support Aloe Vera for other uses.
Conversely, many experts in the field of natural and holistic medicine swear by the incredible benefits of drinking Aloe Vera juice. Some believe just some of the benefits of drinking Aloe Vera juice include lowered cholesterol levels, a higher level of oxygen in your blood and drinking the juice can help prevent kidney stones. Some experts also say that Aloe Vera has the potential to stop the growth of cancerous tumors, can cure ulcers and can prevent disease in kidneys.
Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice: Side Effects
Scientific studies have concluded that along with the benefits of drinking Aloe Vera juice, there are a few side effects. The most common issues are abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Because, the latex contains the aforementioned laxative compounds, cramps and diarrhea are closely associated with Aloe in oral form. The NCCAM also some cases of acute hepatitis have been reported in association with ingestion of Aloe Vera. However, the organization claims the supporting evidence is not definitive.
Children and women who are pregnant are advised not to ingest Aloe Vera. Those with diabetes, kidney failure, thyroid disease or an electrolyte imbalance are also told to avoid Aloe Vera in oral form. Before beginning any type of new diet or health regimen, it’s always encouraged to speak with your doctor.
Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice: Products
Aloe Vera juice is exceptionally easy to find and purchase. It can be picked up in nearly any vitamin and health shop, drug store and national chain retail store. You can get a 16-ounce bottle of Aloe Vera juice in stores for as little as $3.00. In fact, most bottles of Aloe Vera juice up to 32 ounces cost $10.00 or less. On the higher end of the price scale, you can purchase organic cases of juice for upwards of $70.00. Cases by the gallon are also available for just over $100.00.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease. GERD. Acid Reflux. Heartburn. No matter what you call it, people have been in search of the ultimate pain reliever and cure for the ailment for decades. Many have been wondering if Aloe Vera juice for acid reflux is a viable option and alternative for over-the-counter or prescription medications.
This post will take a look at what the experts are saying about Aloe Vera juice for acid reflux. It will also reveal how and where you can get Aloe Vera juice for acid reflux if you feel it is something that is right for you.
Does Aloe Vera Juice for Acid Reflux Work?
So, does Aloe Vera juice for acid reflux work? Scientifically, it’s very tough to tell. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (otherwise known as NCCAM), Aloe latex contains very strong laxative compounds. In addition, early studies have revealed that Aloe is topical form, such as gels, can help heal burns and other abrasions. However, the NCCAM says there is not enough scientific evidence to support Aloe Vera for any of its other uses, including for acid reflux issues.
In addition, there are certain warnings and side effects that may accompany taking Aloe Vera orally. Children, pregnant women and people with diabetes, kidney failure, and electrolyte imbalance or thyroid disease are encouraged NOT to take Aloe Vera orally. Some common side effects include diarrhea and abdominal cramps. As with any new health regimen, it’s always best and encouraged to first visit with your doctor or primary care physician.
Aloe Vera Juice for Acid Reflux Products
Full lines of Aloe Vera juice for acid reflux products are available online and in natural health stores. When it comes to Aloe Vera juice, you can order a 16 ounce bottle for as little as $15.00. A 32 ounce bottle will cost just over $25.00. If you find the taste of pure Aloe Vera juice to be unpleasant, it can be mixed with things such as water or tea.
Aloe Vera juice pills specifically designed to combat heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux issues are also available. These natural pills also cost as little as $15.00 for a 45-count bottle. A bottle containing 180 pills runs just over $22.00. Again, you are encouraged to speak with a healthcare professional prior to making any Aloe Vera purchases.
Juicing for health is growing in popularity for good reason. Not only can you find juicing advocates on any natural living website (like this one, of course) but even leading hospitals are advocating the benefits of juicing for health.
Juicing for Health with Fresh Fruits and Veggies
Adding fresh juices to your diet can be one of the best everyday things you can do for your health. This is the case because with juicing you can take in far more nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables than you ever could just by eating them straight. And these nutrients both protect us from disease and boost our health and vitality.
More people than ever are juicing for health
For example, it’s easy to consume the nutrients of a couple of pounds of carrots in a day if you juice them. And while carrots are well known to be rich in vitamin A and help with our night vision, carrot juice is also a great juice to detoxify the liver. Vitamin A is also a key nutrient for skin health.
Detoxifying your liver when juicing for health then means that your body can process out more of the chemicals that most people are regularly exposed to – because the liver’s detoxification capacity then becomes available. Because your liver is also your prime fat burning organ, detoxifying your liver will also mean it’s easier to lose excess weight.
If you add some beets to your carrot juice, you can also take in hearty doses of betalains, which raises your body’s detoxification enzymes. This helps your body process out even more manmade chemicals which -without detoxification methods -can be hard to remove. Beet juice in large quantities has also been known to break down cancers and tumors, a true testament to juicing for health.
Cabbage is another vegetable you can pack in with carrot juice – and it’s been found that folks consuming regular cabbage have far less cancer than folks who don’t. Cabbage also boosts our body’s detoxification enzymes and helps us remove environmental estrogens. Environmental estrogens are chemicals which are often found in plastics. Theyfill up the estrogen sites in both male and female bodies and then our natural estrogen isn’t used, which creates an abundance of estrogen in the body and subsequently causes a variety of hormonal problems. Excess estrogen is also connected to stubborn belly fat.
So what ingredients will make the best super juice? We recommend taking a look at kale. It has become increasingly polar over the past couple of years. Here’s why:
Like other members of the Brassica family — including broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage and collards — kale is a nutritional powerhouse that boasts an abundance of antioxidants and other disease-fighting agents. And with just 35 calories per cup, this particular concoction cements the meaning of ‘juicing for health’.
Juicing for Health Benefits:
• Just one cup of kale includes more than 1000 percent of your daily recommended vitamin K, an antioxidant that promotes bone growth and regulates blood clotting. In fact, kale’s vitamin K content surpasses that of broccoli, spinach and collard greens. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating a diet rich in vitamin K can reduce the overall risk of developing cancer. • That same cup of kale also contains more than 180 percent of your daily recommended vitamin A, which aids vision, growth, bone formation, tissue repair and red blood cell production. • A cup of kale also contains 200 percent of your daily recommended vitamin C and 5 grams of fiber, which is important for digestion and regularity. • This leafy green also delivers significant quantities of vitamin B6 (maintains healthy nervous and immune systems), as well as iron and calcium. • Finally, kale is rich in the eye-health promoting carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. Convinced of the many health benefits of kale? Below are some tips for selection and use.
Juicing for health? Kale adds a fresh flavor (and beautiful green color) to any juice! We have included one of our favorite recipes below. This sweet and smooth carrot apple kale ginger combo is great for beginners and experienced juicers alike!
Ingredients: • 10 carrots • 2 small apples, cored • 4 large kale leaves, de-stemmed • 2 quarter-sized chunks fresh ginger root, or to taste Directions: 1. Wash and prepare ingredients (core, de-stem, etc.) 2. Feed ingredients into your juicer in 3 or 4 batches, starting with harder vegetables and ginger and finishing with kale. 3. Enjoy! Yield: about 16 ounces of juice
Although juicing for health is an excellent way to incorporate vital daily nutrients into your diet, always consult a physician before embarking on a long-term weight loss plan.
If you’re bothered by occasional constipation, you may be tempted to do nothing and simply let nature take it’s course. Over the counter laxatives may be a bit to harsh for you, and other methods to relieve your affliction might not appeal to you either. But relief from the discomfort of bloating, gas and distension that accompanies constipation and interrupts your day would be welcome, wouldn’t it? Restoring your digestive system to a healthy balance makes good sense. And one of the healthiest, most simple ways to alleviate the constraints of an irritable bowel is through aloe vera juice for constipation.
Aloe Vera Juice for Constipation: The Facts
Aloe vera juice for constipation boasts a huge bounty of digestive benefits. Aloe Vera juice is a natural and gentle way to stimulate your system. The sap of the Aloe Vera plant contains a substance that helps to stimulate your bowels. The juice also works as a gentle stool softener and relief is quick, yet never harsh in any way. In fact, it’s possible to use Aloe Vera juice daily as a regimen to prevent constipation.
If you’re bothered by chronic constipation, drinking natural Aloe Vera juice regularly can help ease your digestive woes. Chronic constipation, a common, yet uncomfortable condition, can sometimes be caused by the presence of the candida fungus in your digestive tract. Temporary relief may occur, but the constipation comes back time and again. Aloe Vera’s anti-fungal properties can help restore your system to normal.
Those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome will welcome the benefits of drinking aloe vera juice for help in regulating bowel habits. IBS causes bouts of diarrhea and constipation and attempting to quell the two is often a bit of a guessing game. Aloe Vera juice can help balance your digestive system by conquering constipation and building your stores of healthy bacteria back up to a balancing level.
Many individuals use Aloe Vera juice for constipation as a relieving detox. The juice will rid your intestinal tract of build-up of fecal matter and toxins and act as a cleansing colonic. Once clean, Aloe Vera juice will restore the helpful bacteria to your colon.
There’s No Denying the Benefits Behind Using Aloe Vera Juice for Constipation
Some people don’t care for, or may not be able to tolerate, the flavor of Aloe Vera juice. If this is the case, mix the juice with another favorite beverage. Should constipation reappear with frequency, you should seek the input of a physician. You may have an underlying condition which causes constipation. Pregnant women, or those who are menstruating, should not use aloe vera to relieve constipation, but should consult the doctor before using any over-the-counter laxatives or stool softeners.
So, the next time you’re in a bind, so to speak, why not try safe, gentle and natural Aloe Vera juice for constipation? You’ll be back to normal in no time at all.
Aloe Vera juice for gerd is a highly potent, highly effective form of natural medicine. Several anecdotal reports are filtering in that show Aloe Vera to be especially potent at treating the gastroesophageal disorder.
What Real People and Patients Are Saying About Aloe Vera Juice for Gerd
One person writes, “Aloe juice for gerd helped with digestive issues, and it lowers the acidity in the stomach by reducing the gastric juices. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory offering relief to symptoms of sore throats as well”. Obviously, anything that relieves sunburns is going to relieve the acidity going on in the stomach. It’s just an intuitive leap to try it. Aloe vera juice for gerd can be taken safely internally.
Another person writes that, “I have had acid reflux for seven years, and it seemed that nothing was working. A local GNC representative worker recommended I take Aloe Vera juice with fish oil, and it seemed to work. Anything with stomach problems should be taking this”.
Another person wrote, “My daughter suffered from acid reflux from day one. She was born premature. She was put in the NICU for breathing difficulties. She might have had an infection so the doctors gave her antibiotics. The antibiotics wiped out all the digestive enzymes. After refusing prescription drugs, she was put on an aloe vera juice for gerd. After four months, she still has no symptoms”.
Aloe Vera juice for gerd treatments can be used as a complementary approach. Aloe Vera juice is good for burns. Acid reflux is a kind of burn. Drink a couple of ounces of Aloe Vera juice each day, two or three times a day, and it will soothe the throat and stomach. It keeps really well in the refrigerator. It will help heal ulcers and lesions that are in the esophagus and stomach too. Drink many small sips of Aloe Vera juice with an acid reflux disease.
The juice from the Aloe Vera plant can be used to soothe troubled stomachs. It will help heal an irritated esophagus. There’s no real scientific evidence that it will help, but it has a long history of use in Europe for acid reflux disease. Aloe Vera juice for gerd treatments are hard to come by, especially ones that are so natural, and Aloe Vera is one of the best plants to treat it. A 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera juice can be taken before a meal. It’s important that only gel or juice preparations meant for internal use are used. Don’t use the plant directly. The plant can contain a lot of powerful laxatives.
There are many different kinds of plants that can be used as both decoration and as additional means. To provide a perfectly good example, aloe vera — the plant which is native to the Mediterranean and basically grows like a weed — is one of these plants that have additional purposes. Unlike other plants, you can reap the benefits of aloe vera by way of consuming it. While you can certainly buy the green juice at your local health food store, there’s nothing like extracting the goodness from your own aloe vera plant with various aloe vera juice recipes.
While the distinct freshness and unfiltered nutrient value of homemade aloe vera juice is unparalleled (in comparison to store-bought versions), how exactly to make the concoction can be a bit confusing. But with the help of aloe vera juice recipes from AloeVera.com, the first steps towards making your very own nutrient-packed aloe vera juice is within reach.
Aloe Vera Juice Recipes
One of the more common aloe vera juice recipes involves boiling the plant leaves and directly and drinking its juices, but not everybody considers this a palatable idea. Instead, you can buy the potted plant and extract its juices to mix with other ingredients as a part of an aloe vera juice recipe. Mixing your own aloe vera juice recipe allows you to maintain a desirable flavor while still gaining all the health benefits the plant offers, such as preventing colitis, ulcers, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome.
Aloe Vera Juice Recipes #1:
Exotic Aloe Vera: The recipe that offers a little more of an exotic flavor. Ingredients • • 1 to 2 cups of fresh pineapple • 1 carrot • 1 green apple • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera pulp • Optional: a few tablespoons of coconut milk
Steps to Mix This Drink 1. 2. Step 1: Obtain a blender. 3. Step 2: Pour all of the ingredients into the blender, including the pulp of the leaf of the aloe vera. If desired, you can add coconut milk as desired for taste. Beside the delicious addition, you will benefit even more from the drink’s anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities. 4. Step 3: Blend the ingredients together until it is mixed well. 5. Step 4: Pour into a glass and consume.
Aloe Vera Juice Recipes #2:
Light and Lemony Aloe Vera: The recipe tailored to lemon lovers who want something light. Ingredients • • 1 cucumber • 1 apple • 1 lemon • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera pulp
Steps to Mix This Drink 2. Step 1: Obtain a blender. 3. Step 2: Slice the apple to remove its core. 4. Step 3: Slice the cucumber to break down its size. 5. Step 4: Add the sliced apple and cucumber into the blender. 6. Step 5: Blend the apple and cucumber together until they are mixed well together. 7. Step 6: Cut the lemon in half. 8. Step 7: Squeeze out the lemon juice into the mixture. 9. Step 8: Cut apart a leaf of an aloe vera plant. 10. Step 9: Scoop the pulp out and add it to the mixture. 11. Step 10: Blend the mixture, pour into a glass and consume.
While these two aloe vera juice recipes are packed with a bounty of nutrients and toxin-fighting properties, there are a multitude of ways to concoct the perfect recipe for aloe vera juice.