Cool Down Naturally In Crushing Summer Heat Wave

The extreme heat wave is bearing down all over the country and it can be downright dangerous if you aren’t careful. With a crushing heat wave gripping the country, here are a few tips to help you keep cool naturally.

Heat Wave #1 – Hydration is Key

Hydrating at frequent intervals is critical, rather than waiting until you’re at your maximum thirst.

“The minute you think you need a drink, stop and take the drink right then,” Byrne said. “If you don’t you’ll end up getting heat exhaustion.”

This distinction makes all the difference. Byrne described the sensation from drinking extremely cold water like getting a brain freeze from a Slurpee, except amplified.

Heat Wave Tip #2 – Start Early

If you’re working outside, make every effort to start before the sun comes up or at least before it’s reached its peak.

His company routinely starts work at about 5 a.m., and the crews try to finish up by 1 p.m., says Byrne.

Heat Wave Tip #3 – Stay Wet

If he notices that somebody has stopped sweating, Byrne recognizes it as the first sign of heat exhaustion. He’s experienced it more than once.

“No matter what that individual is doing, he needs to go sit in the shade, sip some water – just sip it, don’t chug it – and just get yourself off the roof and in the shade,” he said.

When working with metal roofing, Byrne said, he brings a hose up and douses himself with water to stay cool.

Heat Wave #4 – Dress Strategically

Although the roofers are required to wear long sleeves, Byrne said he wears light colors to reflect the sun.

Even the color of your footwear is significant – Byrne said white shoes versus dark shoes could mean the difference between having cool feet and feeling like you have blisters. – Source

beat an extreme heat wave and cool down naturally

Don’t forget, you’ll also want to make sure you you are eating the right foods and breathing correctly to help keep the heat at bay.

Heat Wave #5 – Breathing Easy

Another consideration during a loss of power or excessive heat is for patients with chronic breathing problems. Seaburg explains that extreme heat may increase a person’s metabolism, so patients who require supplemental oxygen may use more oxygen than usual.

People who require CPAP or BiPAP devices for sleep apnea or other sleep issues will need an alternative source of power to use their devices. There are options available for most machines, including CPAP battery packs, DC power options, marine battery adapters, and travel-specific CPAP machines, to provide power in the event of an electrical outage.

Heat Wave #6 – Chowing Down

Keeping food at a healthy temperature may be a challenge during warm weather or during a power loss. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers tips for safety during a national disaster.

Refrigerators keep dairy products, meat, fish, poultry and eggs at a healthy temperature if they are 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below. If your power goes out, your refrigerator will stay at the proper temperature for about four hours if it’s unopened. Placing ice bags or dry ice will help to maintain healthy cooling.

A full freezer will remain cool for about 48 hours, or for about 24 hours if half full. It’s a good idea to have digital thermometers on hand to check the temperature.

Once the thermometer goes above the recommended temperature, avoid eating any dairy products, meat, fish, poultry or eggs. Throw away items that have been compromised.

The USDA suggests keeping a supply of canned and packaged foods that do not require refrigeration. Coolers are a good solution if your power will be on within 24 hours. And knowing where to purchase ice and dry ice is a good way to plan for an emergency. – Source

Here are a few tips from on staying cool during extreme heat wave months from FEMA – the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

How to Prevent Hair Loss With Aloe Vera, Other Herbs

Can you halt the march of your receding hairline naturally? Wondering how to prevent hair loss?

There’s a lot of research that says you can. That’s welcome news to anyone who’s wondered how to prevent hair loss and ever seen the price tag on Rogaine – sticker shock comes to mind. Here are a few herbs and other natural remedies to help prevent hair loss.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: Aloe Vera Gel Soothes the Scalp

The gel from the Aloe Vera plant soothes skin and acts as an anti-inflammatory when applied externally. By massaging the gel into the scalp, the pH balance of the scalp is restored and this helps regrow hair. Aloe also helps the hair retain water, and since one quarter of the hair is made up of water, this important function of Aloe Vera enables hair to remain nourished.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: how to prevent hair loss naturally Polygonum Multiflorum is Used to Recolor and Regrow Hair

Polygonum is known in Chinese medicine as He Shou Wu. For centuries this herb has been used to treat hair loss. Recently, the American Botanical Council reported that this herb may be useful to restore color to graying hair, as well as stimulating hair growth.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: Ginseng Stimulates Hair Growth

Ginseng is another herb long used in Chinese medicine. The herb is an adaptogen, helping the body adapt to stress, which is known to be a cause of hair loss. Ginseng is found in shampoos as well as tinctures that can be taken internally.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: Lavender Stimulates the Scalp

Lavender oils can be applied to the hair and massaged into the scalp. The herb draws the blood to the scalp, which helps prevent hair loss.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: Thorn Apple Prevents Hair Loss

Thorn Apple, also known as Jimsonweed, is a toxic herb that has been shown to help regrow hair. Used in Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years to treat digestive disorders and even tuberculosis, Thorn Apple contains toxins known as scopolamine and hyoscyamine. The toxic alkaloids are also used in medicine as a gastric antispasmodic. The dried leaves are used to treat cough. Drinking fruit from the juice staves off hair loss, but high doses can cause irregular heartbeat and even coma.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: Dong Quai Restores Hormonal Balance and Grows Hair

Known as Dong Quai in Chinese medicine, the herb Angelica is used to stop hair loss. The active ingredient is an herbal form of a testosterone stimulant, called a phytotestosterone.

Learning how to prevent hair loss can be easier if you know what causes it. There are both medical and hormonal factors, as well as external influences such as physical or emotional distress. Understanding why you are losing your hair will help you formulate the right hair loss treatment.

Most people normally shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. But with about 100,000 hairs in the scalp, this amount of hair loss shouldn’t cause noticeable thinning of the scalp hair. As people age, hair tends to gradually thin. Other causes of hair loss include hormonal factors, medical conditions and medications.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: Hormonal Factors

The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition called male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. In genetically susceptible people, certain sex hormones trigger a particular pattern of permanent hair loss. Most common in men, this type of hair thinning can begin as early as puberty.

Hormonal changes and imbalances can also cause temporary hair loss. This could be due to pregnancy, childbirth, discontinuation of birth control pills or the onset of menopause.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: Medical Conditions

A variety of medical conditions can cause hair loss, including:

  • Thyroid problems. The thyroid gland helps regulate hormone levels in your body. If the gland isn’t working properly, hair loss may result.
  • Alopecia areata. This disease occurs when the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles — causing smooth, roundish patches of hair loss.
  • Scalp infections. Infections, such as ringworm, can invade the hair and skin of your scalp, leading to hair loss. Once infections are treated, hair generally grows back.
  • Other skin disorders. Diseases that can cause scarring, such as lichen planus and some types of lupus, can result in permanent hair loss where the scars occur.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: Other Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can also result from:

  • A physical or emotional shock. Many people experience a general thinning of hair several months after a physical or emotional shock. Examples include sudden or excessive weight loss, a high fever or a death in the family.
  • Hair-pulling disorder. This mental illness causes people to have an irresistible urge to pull out their hair, whether it’s from the scalp, their eyebrows or other areas of the body. Hair pulling from the scalp often leaves patchy bald spots on the head.
  • Certain hairstyles. Traction hair loss can occur if the hair is pulled too tightly into hairstyles such as pigtails or cornrows. – Source

Detox Diets: The Foods That Really Work

There’s a lot of controversy out there in terms of the best ways to really cleanse the body. With all the plans and products out there, it’s easy to forget some of the most effective cleansing foods can be found at your local grocery store. There are foods packed with antioxidants, nutrients and fiber that aid in digestion and provide crucial vitamins that aid in cleaning out your body. Your internal organs function at their peak when they don’t have to work as hard and the best detox diet and cleanse can help you flush out the gunk and get back into gear. 

From the foods we eat to environmental factors, we put our organs in overdrive, working to flush out and clean all the junk that makes its way into our bodies on a daily basis.

Next time you’re wandering the isles, consider a few of these detoxing foods to create the best detox diet.

Best Detox Diet: Fruits

best detox diet


Fruits are high in liquid-content, helping the body wash out toxins. They are also very easy to digest and are high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and important vitamins.

Best Detox Diet: Green Foods

best detox diet food

When creating the best detox diet, fill your refrigerator with blue green algae, barley, wheatgrass, kale, spinach, spirulina, alfalfa, chard, arugula or other organic leafy greens. These plants will help give a chlorophyll-boost to your digestive tract.

Chlorophyll rids the body of harmful environmental toxins from smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides. They also aid the liver in detoxification.


Best Detox Diet: Lemons, Oranges, and Limes

detox diets for weight loss

Citrus fruit aids the body in flushing out toxins and jump starts the digestive tract with enzymatic processes. Lemon juice aids the liver in its cleansing processes. To increase detoxification, start each morning with a warm glass of lemon water.

Remember, vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins around, as it transforms toxins into digestible material. Eat vitamin c foods often to help get more of these benefits.

raw foods detox diets

Best Detox Diet: Garlic

This pungent little bulb is one of the best detoxing foods out there. It helps stimulate the liver into producing detoxification enzymes that help filter toxic residues from the digestive system. I recommend adding sliced or cooked garlic to a suitable dish, as this will help aid any detox diet.

vegetable detox diet

Best Detox Diet: Broccoli Sprouts

Extremely high in antioxidants, the ability for broccoli sprouts to stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract is unparalleled. The sprouts are actually more effective than the fully-grown vegetable. – Source

Best Detox Diet: Detoxing The Right Way

When it’s time to cleanse, it’s important to do it the right way to make sure you are staying healthy during your detox routine.

1. A cleansing and hydrating detox diet. A cleansing diet is at the heart of any detoxification program. The goal is to focus on organic, nutrient-dense, and minimally processed foods. Here are the basics:

Eat less animal protein, particularly red meat and dairy. Instead, favor organic plant-based proteins, which will help ease digestive stress and improve elimination. You can incorporate aplant-based protein powder to supplement and fill your protein needs. Green powders, made of concentrated greens such as cereal grasses, sprouts, and green vegetables, can add extra nutritional value and increased detox support.

Eat more alkaline fresh vegetables, such as cucumber, spinach, broccoli, avocado, to counteract the acidity toxins create. An alkaline environment in the body helps promote oxygenation and detoxification, among other health benefits. Emphasize other low-starch leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, and collard greens. Vegetables may be eaten raw, juiced, steamed, or sautéed in liquid.

Add fiber to your diet, such as flax or chia seeds, psyllium, or rice bran.

Include probiotic foods to improve digestive and overall health by reintroducing healthy probiotic flora (beneficial bacteria) to the digestive tract. Probiotics, like yogurt, pickles, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, and kimchi, are shown to boost immunity, support detoxification, improve nutrient assimilation, and promote overall health.

Eliminate inflammatory foods, that can cause increased toxic body burden, such as alcohol, sugars, processed foods, trans fats, cooked oils, caffeinated beverages, and nonorganic foods.

Drink plenty of pure, filtered water (at least 64 ounces per day), as well as herbal tea. Homemade vegetable broth is an excellent addition, as it’s very nutrient rich and hydrating.

If you stray away from your detox diet, don’t be too hard on yourself! You can always start again. – Source

Best Detox Diet: Detoxing on a Tight Schedule

Sometimes, you just don’t have time to make the best detox diet from scratch. In times like these, your best bet may be a ready-made product. Tere are plenty out there and, of course, some are more effective than others.

LiverActive is one great solution that works to cleanse your body’s natural filter, the liver. At, we like LiverActive because it’s effective and easy to use.

If you are tight on time, grab a bottle.

Natural Remedies for Acne – Straight From Your Kitchen

Want to cure your summer acne? Start by taking a peak in the cupboards. There are plenty of natural remedies for acne that are safe, effective and a lot less expensive than many of the products you’ll find out there.

Instead of opting for potentially harmful mainstream acne medications, try safe and effective natural remedies for acne problems. You may find your acne and associated problems such as redness and light scarring completely gone or greatly improved in as little as two weeks or less.

Natural Remedies for Acne: Lemon Juice, Tea-Tree Oil and Aqueous Cream

best natural remedies for acne

Before going to bed, bathe or shower and shampoo. Next, apply lemon juice over your face (this will itch for a minute or two).

Rub in a small amount of pure tea-tree oil. Then, apply a thick layer of aqueous cream to your face and leave on overnight, lying on your back if you must. Or, after about half an hour or so, rub the cream in.

Help this and other remedies along by eating three kiwifruit and about 3/4 cup of raw carrots daily.

Natural Remedies for Acne: Oatmeal, Vinegar, Raspberries, Egg, Sea Salt

Pour some oatmeal into a small bowl. Mash up some raspberries and mix them with about a teaspoon of sea salt and the oatmeal. Add about two tablespoons of vinegar and one egg and mix with a spoon until it makes a pasty mix. Wash your face with an exfoliating scrub (such as apricot scrub) or exfoliate with a loofah. Steam your face and then apply the mixture thickly. Leave on for about 30 minutes or until the mixture is somewhat dry and starts to crumble off. Rinse with cold water.

Natural Remedies for Acne: Honey and Cinnamon

Take three tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon and make a paste. Put it on the affected area and apply it in circles. Leave it on while you sleep and wash it off in the morning.- Source

Natural Remedies for Acne: Lemon Juice, H2O2, Willow Bark, Aloe, Echinacea and Goldenseal

Mix in a bowl or container some lemon juice, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, willow bark powder, echinacea and goldenseal. Mix together and use this solution as an astringent. Apply w/ cotton balls or tissue and leave it on your face to dry. Once it dries, put aloe vera on your skin. Do this twice daily after first washing your face.

Natural Remedies for Acne: Fresh Basil Leaves

Take a small handful of fresh basil leaves (available at most grocery stores). Let the leaves simmer in two cups of water for about 15 minutes and then put the mixture in the refrigerator to chill. Apply the mixture to troubled areas or your entire face with a cotton ball. Gets rid of acne and also helps with any existing scarring.Source

It’s important to remember there’s more to treating acne than what you put on your skin. It’s a combination of diet, healthy routines and dedication. If you’re serious about getting rid of acne, and willing to make a few lifestyle changes, we recommend the Acne No More e-book.

This book is filled with helpful tips to help you eradicate acne naturally.

Acne No More Review: A Holistic Approach to Treating Acne

Before delving into the Acne No More review, it’s important to know what the product is. Acne No More is a holistic solution for those growing frustrated with all the “solutions” out there that just don’t work.

Well, the creator of Acne No More, Mike Walden, realized that it takes much more than a product with big promises: you have to attack acne on all fronts to see fast results that last.

>> Get rid of your acne once and for all

Walden, who is the reason for this Acne No More review, is a certified nutritionist and former acne sufferer who developed the most comprehensive holistic acne solution on the market today. He’s not one of those guys who slaps his own label on a mass-produced ineffective product to sell at a huge markup.

Mike Walden put his own expertise, knowledge and research into coming up with a complete system designed to clear acne and start showing results in as little as 7 days.

Acne No More Review: So what exactly is Acne No More and what makes it so different from all the other products out there?

Acne No More Review Before and After

Acne No More isn’t simply a product – it’s a complete solution.

When you purchase Acne No More, you’ll receive an e-book authored by Mike Walden himself. It’s something you haven’t seen yet, a comprehensive plan aimed at providing participants what they always wanted: flawless, glowing skin.

Too many people are still looking for that miracle pill or quick-fix solution. And the truth is, if you’ve tried these before, you could very well be using the same product with a different label. When researching this Acne No More review, I discovered something pretty shocking: most people think they can treat their acne without changing their lifestyle or diet.

Mike Walden shows this simply isn’t true. It takes a multifaceted approach – but many people who follow Mike’s guidelines are reporting excellent results. Some who have submitted an Acne No More review say they’ve experienced:

  Complete Elimination of existing acne

  Prevention of new acne scaring

  No more redness, peeling or dryness

  No more blackheads

  No more oily skin

The lessons go deep. Mike Walden believes to really know about how to cure acne, you have to know what it is and what causes blemishes. The beginning part of the lesson is focused on providing participants with new knowledge about their acne and why they have it.

Mike really takes on the “miracle cure” industry with this product. The truth is there is tons of misleading information out there about how to treat acne and it does little more than confuse acne sufferers and steer them toward ineffective products.

Acne No More cuts through the fog of conflicting and confusing information and sets a few things straight. For instance, too many people hear myths like “avoid all fruits” or “don’t eat carbs.”

Even worse, some so-called experts preach the wonders of vitamin B-5 while others will tell you it’s the last thing you’ll ever need. Some “acne gurus” will try to convince you to use benzoyl while other will tell you it will only make the condition worse. It’s confusing, misleading and frustrating for those looking for a straight answer. That’s why this Acne No More review is here.

Acne No More Reviews: Click Here to get the straight answers about how to treat acne naturally

There’s a little-known fact out there the drug and cream-pushing companies don’t want you to know: acne drugs and antibiotics can actually make your condition worse. Prescription medications and over-the-counter or mail order creams and pills can get very expensive and even cause irritating side effects. To make matters worse, there’s no guarantee they’ll work. In fact, there are plenty of people out there who’ll say their prescription only made things worse.

Before spending hoards of money on a product or prescription, try a natural solution.

Okay, now I’m going to fill you in on a little fact that most people don’t take into consideration: Acne isn’t just an issue with your skin, it’s a warning sign of a more serious inner imbalance, Mike Walden says.

Acne No More review programToo many acne sufferers are led to believe the cause of acne lies just below the skin. Mike believes acne is an internal, systemic problem that impacts the entire body and manifests itself as acne. It’s a sign that you need to implement a plan for your mind and body, not a simple and superficial treatment.

So let’s get into the meat of this program a little and really dig into the nitty-gritty of this Acne No More Review.

Cure Acne Holistically: One dimensional approaches such as antibiotics, creams, pills and even some herbal products often fail because they only tackle ONE aspect of acne treatment. Acne No More takes a unique, full-body approach. This book will teach you how to treat acne and maintain great results in the long term. Because it is a mulch-dimensional approach, you’ll be improving you mind and body. This leads to more than simple acne relief – it’s a whole body healing experience.

Break Away From Harmful Chemicals and Typical Treatments: Even if you do find a chemical solution that helps clear acne, odds are you’ll have to deal with side effects that could cause discomfort in other areas. Your body is a complex machine that works in balance with itself – throwing even one part of yourself out of balance can cause a sort of snowball effect that could make you feel worse in the long run. And what happens when you stop using a treatment that is making you uncomfortable? The acne comes back.

Cure Acne in a Safe, Natural Way: When you are buried in conflicting information hammering you from everywhere, it is easy to forget how powerful a natural solution can be. Acne No More is a comprehensive easy-to-follow program that will simplify the process of finding relief from acne and help restore the lost confidence.

Mike Walden says he surveyed his clients after they completed the Acne No more Program. The results were stellar, to say the least. 

“In less than 7 weeks on average, 28 out of 28 men and women participating in my experiment had completely got rid of their acne and regained their lives,” Mike Walden said.

  Existing acne was gone in weeks

  Many types of scars and acne marks disappeared

  They felt healthier and more energetic

  Most importantly, confidence skyrocketed

If you’re suffering from acne, consider taking a holistic approach before trying a prescription or chemical-based solution. The acne no more system is a natural acne remedy that has gained a dedicated following. More importantly, users say they are learning not only how to cure acne, but how to prevent acne once a breakout is healed.

With natural acne treatments and a comprehensive guide, more Acne No More system users are speaking up to talk about how this acne treatment program helped them overcome acne and regain confidence.

Acne No More Review: Click Here to See What Other Users of Acne No More Are Saying!

To summarize this acne no more reviews, we recommend this product as a natural and healthy remedy that aims to provide healing for the entire body and promote well-being overall. If you order soon, you’ll receive five custom bonuses to perfectly accompany the program, including one-on-one counseling with Mike Walden himself. It’s a service that could be sold for as much as $200 a session, and Mike Walden is giving it away for free to help ensure success for his participants just because you read this acne no more review.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to work directly with the man behind one of the most popular acne treatment methods with a track record of proven results.

Acne No More Review: Find Out What Bonuses Are Available Here

Air Purifying Plants to Help You Breathe Easier

There’s a lot of nasty stuff happening to the air in your home. bacteria and viruses hitch rides on the dust particles. Dander and pet hair floats around, just waiting for you to suck it up into your lungs. While you can stock your kitchens, closets and living rooms with the most up-to-date, technologically savvy air purifiers, some of the best kinds of particle cleaners come in the form of air purifying plants.

In fact, the air in your home can be even more dangerous than a smog riddled city. The cleaning chemicals used, dust levels, and plenty of other factors you don’t see or even think about can have a detrimental impact on your home. However there are plenty of solutions – natural ones at that.

While an air purifier is a viable option, you’re still sucking up energy – which increases your bill and doesn’t do the environment any favors. Luckily, you can improve air quality in your home the same way mother nature does it outside, with aloe vera and a few other air cleansing greens. Here are five air purifying plants that can help you breathe a little easier at home.

Keep Your Home Air Clean with These 4 Air Purifying Plants

Aloe Vera Plant Uses 

Air Purifying Plants for the Home

This easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent helps clear formaldehyde and benzene, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, paints and more. Aloe is a smart choice for a sunny kitchen window. Beyond its air-clearing abilities, its one of the most notable air purifying plants for toxin cleaning.

Spider Plant

aloe vera benefits

Even if you tend to neglect houseplants, you’ll have a hard time killing one of the most resilient air purifying plants. With lots of rich foliage and tiny white flowers, the spider plant battles benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene, a solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries.

Gerber Daisy

aloe vera plant

This bright, flowering air purifying plant is effective at removing trichloroethylene, which you may bring home with your dry cleaning. It’s also good for filtering out the benzene that comes with inks. Add one to your laundry room or bedroom — presuming you can give it lots of light.


Peace Lily

Shade and weekly watering are all the peace lily needs to survive and produce blooms. It topped NASA’s list for removing all three of most common VOCs — formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. It can also combat toluene and xylene. – Source

Want to know more about pollutants in your home or check out various other air purifying plants to help cleanse your air? Check out this video; you’ll never think about the inside of your home again.

While air purifying plants are an excellent first step in improving air quality – the next step is cleaning out your cabinets. There’s a natural substitute for all those chemical-laden cleaners and air fresheners you’re using. Seek them out and replace the Clorox. You are sure to notice the difference.

How To Shave With Aloe Vera

Over the years, shaving works on number on your face. Almost everyone suffers some kind of shaving side effect and aloe vera products can help minimize the discomfort and keep skin looking and feeling healthy. Here, you will learn how to shave using aloe vera. Even if you learned how to shave decades ago, you will find some tips to make the experience more pleasurable.

The How to Shave Grooming Guide

Often times, young men simply aren’t taught how to shave properly. And after years of shaving and bad treatment, faces take a beating . Find out some of the most popular questions (and answers) on how to shave properly, and prevent and correct skin care problems.

1. How can I avoid rashes around my neck after I shave?

Try using a fresh blade every couple of times, and a shaving cream that has been fortified with hydrating emollients (lubricating thickening agents that prevent water loss and have a softening and soothing effect on skin). After shaving, apply a light moisturizer. If you prefer an after-shave product, be wary of those that contain alcohol or menthol; these ingredients can irritate the skin. Most will never forget the initial feeling they had using aftershave after the first time they learned how to shave.

2. I’ve just learned how to shave. Should I use a face scrub instead of regular soap to clean my face?

Absolutely. Most soaps contain ingredients such as ammonium laurel sulfate, which can irritate your face. Many don’t know when learning how to shave that these soaps are manufactured because they produce a lot of foam and the ingredients are cheap to buy in bulk. A face scrub, on the other hand, is formulated without these severe chemical additives but manufactured with ingredients such as aloe vera, vitamins A and E, glycerin, chamomile, and polyethylene beads, which all help remove dead skin cells, control oiliness, prevent acne breakouts, and improve the texture and clarity of the skin.

How to shave with aloe vera

 3. I’m just learning how to shave. What ingredients are good for my skin?

Aloe vera, vitamin E, B-5 and C, chamomile, panthenol, and glycerin, to name a few. Aloe vera is a moisturizer that helps heal skin irritations, promotes new skin growth and helps slow down the aging process. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that prevents free radical damage, promotes tissue growth and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Chamomile is a natural herb that has proven to have anti-irritant properties and provides soothing effects to the skin. Glycerin is a soothing emollient that acts as a water-binding agent and keeps water in the skin for hydration. And while vitamin C is a potent antioxidant for skin, panthenol and vitamin B-5 moisturize and soothe the skin. – Source

Next time you’re shopping for some shaving cream or getting ready to teach someone how to shave, read the ingredients on the back. Look for aloe vera, as well as other natural, soothing ingredients. You’ll also want to pay close attention to the following tips by MaleFace.

How to Shave: MaleFace Tips on Shaving

  1. It’s best to not shave the very first thing in the morning. If possible, let your skin wake up a while.
  2. Use an exfoliate such as our Deep Cleaning Face Scrub to eradicate dead skin and open up the pores of the skin to prepare it for a close shave.
  3. Be wary of mentholated shaving products. Although the cooled feeling feels good, menthol can have a very irritating effect on skin.
  4. Stubble should be wetted with warm or hot water before shaving.
  5. Thoroughly massage shave cream into stubble. A vitamin and aloe vera based shave cream such as our Vitamin Rich Shave Cream will provide a close, soothing shave while protecting against razor burns and rashes.
  6. Use as sharp blade. Our personal favorite is the Gillette MACH3Turbo. Try not to wait till “the cows come home,” to change the blade. A dull blade is responsible for many shaving cuts.
  7. Rinse the blade often in hot water when shaving and use slow short strokes.
  8. Shaving with the grain means shaving in the direction of how the hair grows on your face. It is best to always shave this way. Shaving against the grain can cause redness, rashes and razor burn.
  9. After shaving, apply a moisturizer to soothe and protect the face such as our Rejuvenating Moisture Cream with vitamins, Aloe Vera, and Chamomile.
  10. If you prefer to use an after shave product check the label for alcohol. Dryness and stinging sensations are by-products of most after shaves whose primary ingredient is alcohol.

How to Shave: Additional Pointers

  1. Stay out of the sun during the peak hours from 10 am till 2 pm. When in the sun, use a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher.
  2. Avoid smoking.
  3. Avoid excessive drinking.
  4. Exercise at least three times a week. It has been proven that increased capillary capability and delivery of oxygen to the tissues tremendously helps in keeping the skin look more youthful.
  5. Eat a balanced diet with an emphasis on avoiding high glycemic foods, such as white rice and bread, and minimize the intake of fatty foods.
  6. Drink plenty of water. Many experts agree that drinking six to eight glasses a day will not only help us preserve our skin’s elasticity, but also help prevent dehydration.
  7. Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

As you can see, there isn’t a lot to remember here about learning how to shave. Follow these simple steps and you will go a long way in making a significant difference in your skin and complexion.  – Source

The Key to Avoiding GMO Foods

Avoiding GMO Foods

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are used by major seed manufacturers and eventually become the bulk of produce available in your grocery store. Every day, it’s likely you eat food that was somehow genetically modified, but there are there are a few keys to avoiding GMO foods.

This week’s headline-grabbing news that agriculture giant Monsanto’s genetically modified corn was found to cause organ failure in rats is sure to send panicked shoppers into an anti-frankenfood frenzy. The good news is that this is precisely the kind of damning study (GM corn + animals = death) that will help bring to light the potentially catastrophic consequences of scientifically altered crops. The bad news is that even those who see that light will have a difficult time completely boycotting genetically modified organisms, or GMOs as they’ve come to be known.

avoiding gmo foods
Here’s how you can remember avoiding gmo foods – insagram photo by Carrie Crews

That’s because GMOs aren’t just limited to the foods we eat; they’re also in the clothes we wear (cotton is one of the most prevalent GMO crops) and in the everyday household products we use. Those who buy giant jugs of distilled white vinegar to make DIY eco-friendly cleaning products might be interested to know that their vinegar may, in fact, be distilled from GMO corn. I say may, because if you live in the United States, there’s no proof that the products you buy or the food you serve your children hasn’t been genetically tampered with. While the EU, Japan, China, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand have labeling laws for GMO foods, there are no such requirements in the US, despite the fact that a 2008 CBS News poll found that an overwhelming 87 percent of Americans would like GMO foods to be labeled, making avoiding GMO foods much easier.

As usual, lawmakers are light-years behind the American consumer. And with a GM crop pioneer now firmly planted in the Obama administration as director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, I’m not holding my breath for GMO crops to be restricted in the US anytime soon. Here’s how you can take charge in the meantime:

Keys to Avoiding GMO Foods

Avoiding GMO Foods: Buy organic. The first key to avoiding GMO foods is to buy organic. Organic foods must be processed without bioengineering. Whether the label says 100 percent organic, organic, or made with organic ingredients, you can rest assured that the entire product is GMO free, since USDA regulations do not permit genetically modified ingredients in any category of certified organic food. And if you can’t afford to buy everything organic, at least make sure that the animal products you purchase — meat, dairy, eggs — are. With conventional beef, for instance, you can be pretty sure that mountains of Roundup Ready corn were fed to those cows. That conventional zucchini? Not as looming a threat, at least where GMOs are concerned.

Avoiding GMO Foods: Beware the SCCC. No, it’s not some new government agency (though maybe it should be). That stands for soy, cotton, canola, and corn, which are among the most common GMO crops. The statistics are startling: 91 percent of soy, 87 percent of cotton, 75 percent of canola, and 73 percent of corn crops grown in the US are GMO, according to the USDA. So unless the label specifically says organic, you can pretty much bet that any food or product you buy that contains any of the big four have been genetically changed. We’re not just talking tofu and tortilla chips, either: It’s the sheets on your bed, those potato chips fried in cottonseed oil, and the aspartame in your Diet Coke (made using a fermentation process that involves soy and corn).

Avoiding GMO Foods: Avoid processed, packaged foods. Thanks to farming subsidies that have produced unimaginable surpluses of cheap (mostly GMO) corn, we now have dozens of corn-based ingredients served up to us in increasingly creative ways by the processed food industry. As Michael Pollan points out in The Omnivore’s Dilemma, “Corn is in the coffee whitener and Cheez Whiz, the frozen yogurt and TV dinner, the canned fruit and ketchup and candies, the soups and snacks and cake mixes…there are some 45,000 items in the average American supermarket and more than a quarter of them now contain corn.” Bottom line: If you’re concerned about GMOs, don’t eat anything with an advertising budget. – Source

Here’s a video I found that exposes how much most of us really know about avoiding GMO foods and takes a little of the mystery out of genetically modified foods.

Natural Mosquito Repellent: The Soothing Way to Beat Bugs

Summer is upon us and in most of the country, that means mosquitoes. But you don’t have to douse you body with chemical-laden repellents when there are plenty of natural solutions out there. One of the most naturally soothing methods to aiding an annoying bite is with natural mosquito repellent. 

Methods for Making Natural Mosquito Repellent 

Biting flies, mosquitoes, gnats, bees, and beetles can make outdoor excursions unenjoyable. People often rely on insect repellents to keep bugs away. Repellents, such as those that contain DEET, may prove more hazardous to human health than the insects themselves–even if a person has been bitten. To repel insects safely, experiment with these different methods.

• Aloe vera, lavender, peppermint, and clove are examples of common natural mosquito repellent. 
• Grow herbs and flowers like garlic, rosemary, tansy, catmint, basil, pennyroyal, and marigolds. These plants naturally repel many bugs.
• Avoid lotions or perfumes with a floral scent, which attract bugs.
• Remove standing water around the house where pests may gravitate to and lay eggs.
• Citronella candles and sprays work as excellent natural mosquito repellent. However, it’s best to keep the candles and sprays in relatively small areas.

– Source

Natural Mosquito Repellent Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of many natural mosquito repellents. Photo:


Enlisting the Aid of Soothing, Natural Mosquito Repellent 

Mosquitoes are attracted to several things. If we can reduce or even eliminate some of these things, we can greatly reduce itchy bug bites with several methods for natural mosquito repellent — in liquid, clothing and fragrance form. 

Carbon Dioxide/ Lactic Acid: When we have been exercising or working vigorously, our bodies give off more carbon dioxide. If we are planning on enjoying mornings or evenings outdoors, we need to ensure that we have ceased physical activity and that we have cooled down to lessen our attraction to mosquitoes. Furthermore, we may also burn candles or other sources of carbon dioxide to deter mosquitoes to those sources rather than to ourselves. When exercising, we release lactic acid, to which mosquitoes are also attracted. As a preventative measure, we can reduce salty or potassium rich foods in our diet, as they contribute to the release of lactic acid.

Dark Clothing: Mosquitoes are highly attracted to dark clothing. Some will locate their hosts from a distance, using this technique. It is advised to wear light clothing when spending the evening outdoors.

Fruity/ Flowery Fragrances: Another thing that attracts mosquitoes are certain scents. Avoid wearing perfumes, body lotions, and sunscreens. We also need to be cognizant of our use of softeners and dryer sheets as they also lure mosquitoes.

Moisture:When perspiring, mosquitoes are drawn not only to the chemicals that are released as a direct result of sweating, but also to the humidity around our body. Furthermore, mosquitoes are also attracted to water, like mud or moist plants, and puddles of water, which helps facilitate the growth of young mosquito larvae. – Source

This video highlights some of the dangers of using conventional repellents that contain DEET.