Aloe Vera for Dandruff

You’ve probably heard of the amazing hair health benefits that come with using aloe vera as a shampoo. Aloe naturally has a ton of nutrients and vitamins that are ideal to keep your hair healthy and looking great. They also have antioxidants that keep your hair growing strong as an added bonus.
In addition to looking good, making your own solution can help you take care of your dandruff problem, cheaper than you could possibly imagine.

First, you’re going to need a few ingredients to help make your DIY anti-dandruff shampoo. Start by gathering aloe vera gel, honey, and plain Greek yogurt to make this awesome little project!

Aloe Vera for Dandruff Ingredients

The solution will consist of the following:

  • 2 teaspoons aloe vera gel.
  • 2 teaspoons of the yogurt.
  • 2 teaspoons of honey.

The cost of this mixture is extremely cheap, especially if you decide to grow your own aloe vera.

You’ll want to mix two parts of the aloe with equal parts honey and yogurt. Take a whisk and vigorously stir like your life depended on it! You’re looking for a perfect “paste-like” consistency by the time you finish mixing. Keep mixing until you get that texture.

You will need to apply the solution to your scalp at least once a day for the next few weeks. All you need to do it apply the mix to your finger tips and gently massage it into your scalp in generous amounts.

After about an hour of letting the solution settle into your scalp, rinse it out with warm water. We advise taking a shower to wash the mixture completely out of your hair.

The aloe in the solution acts to kill a lot of the microbes on your scape that cause dandruff. It has a lot of nutrients that can help strengthen your hair follicles.

You should start to notice results after about two weeks of application. You might also be surprised at the texture and look of your hair too.

Weight Loss Breakfast Foods: Start Out Right

Skipping breakfast is not a viable option when it comes to losing weight. In fact, research shows that eating the right breakfast will do a lot more good for your diet than skipping the meal altogether. Wondering what the best weight loss breakfast foods are? Here are a few foods that will help you drop the weight.

Weight Loss Breakfast Foods #1 – Raspberries

facts about weight loss breakfast foods

The first of the weight loss breakfast foods is raspberries. A cup of raspberries delivers a whopping 8 grams of fiber (that’s more than double what’s in a cup of strawberries and about the same amount in a cup of some types of beans). What’s so great about all that fiber? Recent research in the Journal of Nutrition suggests eating more fiber as a way to prevent weight gain or even encourage weight loss. Over the course of the two-year study, the researchers found that boosting fiber by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories resulted in about 4 ½ pounds of weight lost.

Weight Loss Breakfast Foods #2 – Oatmeal

Oatmeal can help you lose weight in two ways. First, it’s packed with fiber and it keeps you feeling fuller longer. Second, a recent study in the Journal of Nutrition reported that eating a breakfast made with “slow-release” carbohydrates—such as oatmeal or bran cereal—3 hours before you exercise may help you burn more fat. How? Eating “slow-release” carbohydrates doesn’t spike blood sugar as high as eating refined carbohydrates (think: white toast). In turn, insulin levels don’t spike as high. Because insulin plays a role in signaling your body to store fat, having lower blood sugar levels may help you burn fat.

Weight Loss Breakfast Foods #3 –  Peanut Butter

Nuts were also among the top 5 foods that Harvard researchers said promote weight loss. I love to slather a tablespoon or two of peanut butter onto whole-wheat toast (ahem, a “slow-release” carbohydrate), but you could also add nuts to your oatmeal (another “slow-release” carb).

Best foods for weight loss

Weight Loss Breakfast Foods #4 – Eggs

Eggs deliver protein, which is great for dieters. Compared to carbohydrates and fat, protein keeps you satisfied longer. Plus, in one study, dieters who ate eggs for breakfast felt fuller longer and lost more than twice as much weight as those who got the same amount of calories from a bagel for breakfast. – Source

Starting your day with the right breakfast can help put your diet on the right track. Next time you’re thinking of skipping or settling for some kind of trendy shake, try one of the above foods first.

Marathon Training: Sometimes Less is More

Are planning on taking the leap and training for a marathon or half marathon? You aren’t alone. Every year thousands of Americans decide marathon training is for them, but only a small portion succeed. 

One man says it’s because they are working too hard.

After completing more than 150 marathons, running coach Jeff Horowitz got sick of running himself ragged with 70 to 100-mile weeks during training.

In order to avoid injury and burnout, he designed a less-is-more, quality over quantity philosophy in his book “Smart Marathon Training.” Adapt some of his principles into your triathlon training program.

marathon training tips

Marathon Training Tip #1 – Ditch the junk miles.

Only add workouts that have a purpose.

“Instead of assuming that squeezing in an extra run is always a good idea, you’re going to refrain from adding in that run unless you can articulate a specific benefit that would come from doing it,” Horowitz writes.

The same applies to your swim, bike or strength workouts. For marathon training, he suggests a max of 35 miles per week using three purposeful workouts (speed or hills, tempo, long run), cross-training twice per week and strength training/drills two or three times per week.

Marathon Training Tip #2 – Look out for signs of fatigue.

Horowitz suggests establishing your average resting heart rate by checking it in the morning on three consecutive “normal” days.

If it’s elevated one day (say 10% more than average) your body might be telling you it needs a rest day.

Another sign of fatigue? If it takes you longer than 10 minutes to fall asleep.

Marathon Training Tip #3 – Embrace the hills.

“[Hill running] builds power and explosive strength. Running up is really a series of short, one-legged squats,” Horowitz writes.

Plus, running uphill is easier on the knees, ankles, hips, etc. If that’s not enough, hills can also improve running form and economy — because you can’t overstride!

Marathon Training Tip #4 – Use your long run to perfect technique.

Monitor your form in training and you’ll be able to do the same in your race, Horowitz writes.

Count your cadence and aim for 180 steps per minute, listen to your foot strike to ensure it’s quiet, check if you’re slouching and if so, tighten your core muscles.

Marathon Training Tip #5 – Build a runner’s body.

“Think of your body as a powerful platform… with attached appendages to perform necessary work,” Horowitz writes. “These appendages — the arms and legs — move around but they are only able to work effectively if they’re grounded by a solid base.”

That base is your core. Horowitz suggests doing functional strength exercises and core work at least twice a week. – Source

Another key to train for a marathon – start early. Check out this video for a few additional pointers.

Cool Down Naturally In Crushing Summer Heat Wave

The extreme heat wave is bearing down all over the country and it can be downright dangerous if you aren’t careful. With a crushing heat wave gripping the country, here are a few tips to help you keep cool naturally.

Heat Wave #1 – Hydration is Key

Hydrating at frequent intervals is critical, rather than waiting until you’re at your maximum thirst.

“The minute you think you need a drink, stop and take the drink right then,” Byrne said. “If you don’t you’ll end up getting heat exhaustion.”

This distinction makes all the difference. Byrne described the sensation from drinking extremely cold water like getting a brain freeze from a Slurpee, except amplified.

Heat Wave Tip #2 – Start Early

If you’re working outside, make every effort to start before the sun comes up or at least before it’s reached its peak.

His company routinely starts work at about 5 a.m., and the crews try to finish up by 1 p.m., says Byrne.

Heat Wave Tip #3 – Stay Wet

If he notices that somebody has stopped sweating, Byrne recognizes it as the first sign of heat exhaustion. He’s experienced it more than once.

“No matter what that individual is doing, he needs to go sit in the shade, sip some water – just sip it, don’t chug it – and just get yourself off the roof and in the shade,” he said.

When working with metal roofing, Byrne said, he brings a hose up and douses himself with water to stay cool.

Heat Wave #4 – Dress Strategically

Although the roofers are required to wear long sleeves, Byrne said he wears light colors to reflect the sun.

Even the color of your footwear is significant – Byrne said white shoes versus dark shoes could mean the difference between having cool feet and feeling like you have blisters. – Source

beat an extreme heat wave and cool down naturally

Don’t forget, you’ll also want to make sure you you are eating the right foods and breathing correctly to help keep the heat at bay.

Heat Wave #5 – Breathing Easy

Another consideration during a loss of power or excessive heat is for patients with chronic breathing problems. Seaburg explains that extreme heat may increase a person’s metabolism, so patients who require supplemental oxygen may use more oxygen than usual.

People who require CPAP or BiPAP devices for sleep apnea or other sleep issues will need an alternative source of power to use their devices. There are options available for most machines, including CPAP battery packs, DC power options, marine battery adapters, and travel-specific CPAP machines, to provide power in the event of an electrical outage.

Heat Wave #6 – Chowing Down

Keeping food at a healthy temperature may be a challenge during warm weather or during a power loss. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers tips for safety during a national disaster.

Refrigerators keep dairy products, meat, fish, poultry and eggs at a healthy temperature if they are 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below. If your power goes out, your refrigerator will stay at the proper temperature for about four hours if it’s unopened. Placing ice bags or dry ice will help to maintain healthy cooling.

A full freezer will remain cool for about 48 hours, or for about 24 hours if half full. It’s a good idea to have digital thermometers on hand to check the temperature.

Once the thermometer goes above the recommended temperature, avoid eating any dairy products, meat, fish, poultry or eggs. Throw away items that have been compromised.

The USDA suggests keeping a supply of canned and packaged foods that do not require refrigeration. Coolers are a good solution if your power will be on within 24 hours. And knowing where to purchase ice and dry ice is a good way to plan for an emergency. – Source

Here are a few tips from on staying cool during extreme heat wave months from FEMA – the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Detox Diets: The Foods That Really Work

There’s a lot of controversy out there in terms of the best ways to really cleanse the body. With all the plans and products out there, it’s easy to forget some of the most effective cleansing foods can be found at your local grocery store. There are foods packed with antioxidants, nutrients and fiber that aid in digestion and provide crucial vitamins that aid in cleaning out your body. Your internal organs function at their peak when they don’t have to work as hard and the best detox diet and cleanse can help you flush out the gunk and get back into gear. 

From the foods we eat to environmental factors, we put our organs in overdrive, working to flush out and clean all the junk that makes its way into our bodies on a daily basis.

Next time you’re wandering the isles, consider a few of these detoxing foods to create the best detox diet.

Best Detox Diet: Fruits

best detox diet


Fruits are high in liquid-content, helping the body wash out toxins. They are also very easy to digest and are high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and important vitamins.

Best Detox Diet: Green Foods

best detox diet food

When creating the best detox diet, fill your refrigerator with blue green algae, barley, wheatgrass, kale, spinach, spirulina, alfalfa, chard, arugula or other organic leafy greens. These plants will help give a chlorophyll-boost to your digestive tract.

Chlorophyll rids the body of harmful environmental toxins from smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides. They also aid the liver in detoxification.


Best Detox Diet: Lemons, Oranges, and Limes

detox diets for weight loss

Citrus fruit aids the body in flushing out toxins and jump starts the digestive tract with enzymatic processes. Lemon juice aids the liver in its cleansing processes. To increase detoxification, start each morning with a warm glass of lemon water.

Remember, vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins around, as it transforms toxins into digestible material. Eat vitamin c foods often to help get more of these benefits.

raw foods detox diets

Best Detox Diet: Garlic

This pungent little bulb is one of the best detoxing foods out there. It helps stimulate the liver into producing detoxification enzymes that help filter toxic residues from the digestive system. I recommend adding sliced or cooked garlic to a suitable dish, as this will help aid any detox diet.

vegetable detox diet

Best Detox Diet: Broccoli Sprouts

Extremely high in antioxidants, the ability for broccoli sprouts to stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract is unparalleled. The sprouts are actually more effective than the fully-grown vegetable. – Source

Best Detox Diet: Detoxing The Right Way

When it’s time to cleanse, it’s important to do it the right way to make sure you are staying healthy during your detox routine.

1. A cleansing and hydrating detox diet. A cleansing diet is at the heart of any detoxification program. The goal is to focus on organic, nutrient-dense, and minimally processed foods. Here are the basics:

Eat less animal protein, particularly red meat and dairy. Instead, favor organic plant-based proteins, which will help ease digestive stress and improve elimination. You can incorporate aplant-based protein powder to supplement and fill your protein needs. Green powders, made of concentrated greens such as cereal grasses, sprouts, and green vegetables, can add extra nutritional value and increased detox support.

Eat more alkaline fresh vegetables, such as cucumber, spinach, broccoli, avocado, to counteract the acidity toxins create. An alkaline environment in the body helps promote oxygenation and detoxification, among other health benefits. Emphasize other low-starch leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, and collard greens. Vegetables may be eaten raw, juiced, steamed, or sautéed in liquid.

Add fiber to your diet, such as flax or chia seeds, psyllium, or rice bran.

Include probiotic foods to improve digestive and overall health by reintroducing healthy probiotic flora (beneficial bacteria) to the digestive tract. Probiotics, like yogurt, pickles, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, and kimchi, are shown to boost immunity, support detoxification, improve nutrient assimilation, and promote overall health.

Eliminate inflammatory foods, that can cause increased toxic body burden, such as alcohol, sugars, processed foods, trans fats, cooked oils, caffeinated beverages, and nonorganic foods.

Drink plenty of pure, filtered water (at least 64 ounces per day), as well as herbal tea. Homemade vegetable broth is an excellent addition, as it’s very nutrient rich and hydrating.

If you stray away from your detox diet, don’t be too hard on yourself! You can always start again. – Source

Best Detox Diet: Detoxing on a Tight Schedule

Sometimes, you just don’t have time to make the best detox diet from scratch. In times like these, your best bet may be a ready-made product. Tere are plenty out there and, of course, some are more effective than others.

LiverActive is one great solution that works to cleanse your body’s natural filter, the liver. At, we like LiverActive because it’s effective and easy to use.

If you are tight on time, grab a bottle.

The Key to Avoiding GMO Foods

Avoiding GMO Foods

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are used by major seed manufacturers and eventually become the bulk of produce available in your grocery store. Every day, it’s likely you eat food that was somehow genetically modified, but there are there are a few keys to avoiding GMO foods.

This week’s headline-grabbing news that agriculture giant Monsanto’s genetically modified corn was found to cause organ failure in rats is sure to send panicked shoppers into an anti-frankenfood frenzy. The good news is that this is precisely the kind of damning study (GM corn + animals = death) that will help bring to light the potentially catastrophic consequences of scientifically altered crops. The bad news is that even those who see that light will have a difficult time completely boycotting genetically modified organisms, or GMOs as they’ve come to be known.

avoiding gmo foods
Here’s how you can remember avoiding gmo foods – insagram photo by Carrie Crews

That’s because GMOs aren’t just limited to the foods we eat; they’re also in the clothes we wear (cotton is one of the most prevalent GMO crops) and in the everyday household products we use. Those who buy giant jugs of distilled white vinegar to make DIY eco-friendly cleaning products might be interested to know that their vinegar may, in fact, be distilled from GMO corn. I say may, because if you live in the United States, there’s no proof that the products you buy or the food you serve your children hasn’t been genetically tampered with. While the EU, Japan, China, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand have labeling laws for GMO foods, there are no such requirements in the US, despite the fact that a 2008 CBS News poll found that an overwhelming 87 percent of Americans would like GMO foods to be labeled, making avoiding GMO foods much easier.

As usual, lawmakers are light-years behind the American consumer. And with a GM crop pioneer now firmly planted in the Obama administration as director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, I’m not holding my breath for GMO crops to be restricted in the US anytime soon. Here’s how you can take charge in the meantime:

Keys to Avoiding GMO Foods

Avoiding GMO Foods: Buy organic. The first key to avoiding GMO foods is to buy organic. Organic foods must be processed without bioengineering. Whether the label says 100 percent organic, organic, or made with organic ingredients, you can rest assured that the entire product is GMO free, since USDA regulations do not permit genetically modified ingredients in any category of certified organic food. And if you can’t afford to buy everything organic, at least make sure that the animal products you purchase — meat, dairy, eggs — are. With conventional beef, for instance, you can be pretty sure that mountains of Roundup Ready corn were fed to those cows. That conventional zucchini? Not as looming a threat, at least where GMOs are concerned.

Avoiding GMO Foods: Beware the SCCC. No, it’s not some new government agency (though maybe it should be). That stands for soy, cotton, canola, and corn, which are among the most common GMO crops. The statistics are startling: 91 percent of soy, 87 percent of cotton, 75 percent of canola, and 73 percent of corn crops grown in the US are GMO, according to the USDA. So unless the label specifically says organic, you can pretty much bet that any food or product you buy that contains any of the big four have been genetically changed. We’re not just talking tofu and tortilla chips, either: It’s the sheets on your bed, those potato chips fried in cottonseed oil, and the aspartame in your Diet Coke (made using a fermentation process that involves soy and corn).

Avoiding GMO Foods: Avoid processed, packaged foods. Thanks to farming subsidies that have produced unimaginable surpluses of cheap (mostly GMO) corn, we now have dozens of corn-based ingredients served up to us in increasingly creative ways by the processed food industry. As Michael Pollan points out in The Omnivore’s Dilemma, “Corn is in the coffee whitener and Cheez Whiz, the frozen yogurt and TV dinner, the canned fruit and ketchup and candies, the soups and snacks and cake mixes…there are some 45,000 items in the average American supermarket and more than a quarter of them now contain corn.” Bottom line: If you’re concerned about GMOs, don’t eat anything with an advertising budget. – Source

Here’s a video I found that exposes how much most of us really know about avoiding GMO foods and takes a little of the mystery out of genetically modified foods.

Debunking the Myth That Eating Healthy is More Expensive

Thinking about how to eat healthy on a budget? Turns out there might not be all that much evidence to support widespread claims that eating healthy costs more. That’s according to government research by the USDA. Personally, I’m a little skeptical of the study, based on Big Food’s never-ending quest to make more preservative-packed junk food at a lower price, but there are some great tips here for how to eat healthy on a budget.

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

We have many excuses for not eating healthy: I’m too busy. I don’t live near a grocery store. I can’t afford healthy food. I don’t know how to cook. But how to eat healthy on a budget isn’t impossible.Learn How to Eat Healthy On a Budget

A new study from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service is taking one of those excuses off the table.

Previous studies have shown that eating junk food is cheaper than eating healthy food. But Andrea Carlson, lead author for the USDA study, said the way those researchers measured cost-effectiveness skewed the results.

Carlson and her team analyzed 4,439 foods in three different ways – price per calories (as previous studies had done), price per edible gram and price per average portion. Retail prices were based on Nielsen Homescan data. The average portion was determined from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

The researchers found that when they used the price per calories analysis, fruits and vegetables appeared more expensive. “But this changes when you use other two,” Carlson said in a press call Wednesday.

For instance, take a chocolate glazed donut. Each donut is probably about 240 calories, and you could probably eat two or three of them with no problem (and just a teensy bit of guilt). Then take a banana with about 105 calories.

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget: The Cost Crux 

If these two cost the same, the banana is more expensive per each calorie eaten. But you’ll probably only eat one and feel a lot fuller afterward, Carlson said. That makes it cheaper per edible gram and per the average portion.

“Many have raised concerns that those of modest means … can’t afford a healthy diet,” said Kevin Concannon, the USDA under secretary for food, nutrition and consumer services. “The good news I take away from the study is that is not necessarily the case.”

Concannon said the study shows that carrots, onions, pinto beans and mashed potatoes are all less expensive per portion than ice cream, sweet rolls, pork chops and ground beef. In fact, protein foods and food high in saturated fat, added sugars and sodium were all more expensive than fruits, vegetables, dairy and grains based on these methods.

“This is great news for all getting by with a limited food budget,” he said. “You don’t have to compromise good nutrition.” – Source

Okay, I’ll concede that point. However, many of these healthy options require preparing food from scratch, while that box of Hamburger Helper can be ready in 10 minutes flat.

Thinking about how to eat healthy on a budget? What many people need is a good collection of recipes that can be made quickly. Check out the following video to get a couple ideas and see that how to eat healthly on a budget isn’t rocket science. 

5 Scary Preservatives You Didn’t Know Were in Your Food

Food additives are the norm in today’s market. As a matter of fact, we’ve pretty much come to accept the fact that most f what we buy is going to have some type of additive or preservative thrown in.

While some food additives can have a minimal impact, others are downright scary. Here’s some of the creepy stuff major food manufacturers put in your food without your knowledge.

Food Additives: Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Partially hydrogenated fats are the principle sources of trans fat in the American diet, and a Harvard study estimated that trans fat causes 70,000 heart attacks every year. The good news: Partially hydrogenated oils are beginning to slowly retreat from our food. Progressive jurisdictions like New York City are starting to restrict the allowable amounts in restaurants, and many chains are switching to healthier frying oil. Still, the battle isn’t over. At Long John Silver’s, for example, there are still 17 menu items with more than 2 grams of the stuff. According to the American Heart Association, that’s about the maximum you should consume in a single day.learn about food additives
Where you’ll find it: McDonald’s McChicken, Long John Silver’s Broccoli Cheese Soup

Food Additives: Azodicarbonamide

This chemical is used most frequently in the production of industrial foam plastic, and although the FDA has approved its use for food in the States, the United Kingdom has labeled it a potential cause of asthma. In a review of 47 studies on azodicarbonamide, the World Health Organization concluded that it probably does trigger asthmatic symptoms. The WHO concluded, “exposure levels should be reduced as much as possible.” I’ll put it more concisely: Avoid it.
Where you’ll find it: Dunkin’ Donuts bagels, McDonald’s burger buns

Food Additives: Aspartame

Aspartame is a zero-calorie artificial sweetener made by combing two amino acids with methanol. Most commonly used in diet soda, aspartame is 180 times sweeter than sugar. Over the past 30 years, the FDA has received thousands of consumer complaints due mostly to neurological symptoms such as headaches dizziness, memory loss, and, in rare cases, epileptic seizures. Many studies have shown the sweetener to be completely harmless, while other have linked the additive to cancer. A 2006 Italian study found that rats fed high daily doses of aspartame—the equivalent of nearly 3 liters for a 150-pound human—experienced higher levels of lymphomas, leukemia, and other types of cancer. Still, after reviewing the study, the FDA concluded that the results weren’t strong enough to warrant the confectionary chemical’s removal from the market.
Where you’ll find it: Nutra-Sweet, Equal, Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi

Food Additives: Nitrate and Nitrite

The are nitrogen-based compounds that are essential for digestion in small amounts. They occur naturally but are synthetically produced for use in fertilizer and as food additives. They’re commonly used to cure processed meats. Nitrates and nitrites have a tendency to fuse with amino acids to become carcinogenic nitrosamines. Ironically, the processed meats into which nitrates are commonly added are rich with amino acids, making nitrosamine formation very likely. In addition to concerns about cancer, increased nitrate and nitrite intake has been linked to deaths in Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson’s patients. Despite the risks, the valuable use of nitrates and nitrites as inhibitors of botulism warrant their acceptance as food additives in the eyes of the FDA.

Where you’ll find it: Oscar Meyer hot dogs, Hormel bacon, Hillshire Farm deli meat

Food Additives: Paraben

Parabens are used to prevent mold and yeast formation in food, and they’re also used in cosmetics, toothpaste, and personal lubricant. Although they exist in nature, the parabens used in commercial products are created synthetically. It’s been documented that parabens act as mild estrogens, and according to the Environmental Working Group, they can disrupt the natural balance of hormones in your body. In a Japanese study, male rats fed propyl paraben daily for four weeks suffered lower sperm and testosterone production, and other studies have found parabens present in breast cancer tissues.
Where you’ll find it: Baskin Robbins sundaes – Source

Of all the food additives listed above, the one that is constantly linked to death in humans is trans fat. Check out the following video to learn a little more about how trans fat impacts your body.

The best way to avoid these food additives is to shop for natural foods. Start shopping for organic foods at natural food stores and farmer’s markets. You may also want to go on some kind of detox diet and do a liver cleanse to help flush some of those preservatives out of your system.

Does the Lemon Detox Diet Live up to the Hype?

It’s good enough for Beyonce, but does the lemon detox diet live up to the hype? There’s no doubt a good detox cleanse can be a welcome relief. In fact, we’ve posted a few suggestions on this site. Naturally, I wanted to take a closer look at the latest craze.

The Lemon Detox Diet Recipe

The original recipe by Stanley Burroughs produced fantastic results for almost 50 years. However, some have been promoting alterations of the original recipe. The problem with this arrangement is that they are done without understanding why the original ingredients work. Since the Master Cleanse is essentially a juice fast, adding shakes, cayenne pepper capsules or protein powder in an attempt to improve its efficacy is self defeating because it reduces the efficacy of the lemon detox diet.

analyzing the lemon detox diet

The purpose of the program is to give the digestive tract a ten-day vacation, so adding things to be digested does not contribute to the objective of the diet. Stanley Burroughs in fact discourages the intake of supplements and vitamins during the program because it interferes with the body’s elimination system. Furthermore, the natural sources of vitamins and minerals already found in lemon and the maple syrup already provide for the body’s needs during the lemon detox diet program.

Other alterations include mistakes in the ratio of water through modification of the original recipe and dilution. This modification defeats the purpose of the minimum 6 drinks a day because it is more than the amount of water required. It is best to remember that variations on the process and especially in the recipe will not produce the results that originally worked for the many that faithfully followed the original Master Cleanse program and lemonade recipe.

Flickr Photo: ewen and donabel

This is the classic lemon detox diet single serve recipe provided in Stanley Burrough’s book:

2 (tbs). of lemon or lime

2 (tbs). of genuine maple syrup

1/10 tsp cayenne pepper

10 oz. water (hot or cold as preferred)

For those who cannot enjoy their lemonade, Tom offers this alternative lemon detox diet:

1. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and maple syrup as a concentrate in a dark container. Keep this mixture cool.

2. Make enough concentrate for as long as you are incapable of making the fresh lemonade juice.

3. Every time you want a glass of lemonade, measure 4 tbs. of this mixture in a glass.

4. Add water and cayenne pepper, stir and drink. The maple syrup preserves the lemon juice and prevents oxidation of the vitamin C and enzymes.

Tom Woloshyn fondly recalled Stanley Burrough’s remarks. He was said to have repeated many times over a phrase most technical people use when instructing frustrated customers, “When all else fails, follow the instructions.” In order to ensure success and experience the benefits of the Master Cleanse Detox diet, it is essential to understand how to do the program properly. Faithfully following what has been prescribed is the first step in this direction. – Source

Want to see the making in action? Check out the following video to see what one version of this lemon detox diet looks like.

After you’ve tried the lemon diet, you can take the detox routine a step further by trying a liver cleanse. Some of the products we’ve seen don’t require the type of preparation you may have seen in the video above. The pre-made detox cleansers would be a good option for people on the go.